22 S. Whiteoak Street Municipal Lot

Hours of Operation: Monday thru Saturday 8 am until 6 pm, Except Holidays
Rate: Vehicle owner must put license plate number into meter; the first hour (sixty minutes) is FREE.
25¢ per 15 minutes thereafter (No refund or change given)
How to Use:
- Note your license plate number.
- Go to kiosk and press keypad.
- Enter license plate number.
- Select duration of time.
- Make payment.
* Individual merchants may reimburse fee with receipt.
Extend-by-Phone: Extend by phone payments are limited to credit card transactions, and apply a 25¢ transaction fee to each purchase. Extend by phone will text you when your parking is about to expire. Please respond to the text with the number of minutes you would like to extend (“30” for 30 minutes, “60” for an hour, etc). You can only extend your parking by phone in increments of 30 minutes. You must add time prior to your current session’s expiration. If it has already expired you will no longer be able to add time and will need to return to the meter to start a completely new session. Visit extendbyphone.com for more information.
- Pay for parking at meter using credit card.
- Enter mobile phone number when prompted.
- Receive text message reminder prior to expiry.
- Reply with the amount of additional time needed.
Parking Kiosk Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)